Minutes for both July 13th Regular meeting, and July 16th SPECIAL Meeting


Board of Directors Meeting –Tuesday July 13, 2004

President Jack Dhooghe called the Meeting to order at 10:09AM. Present were Members, Dave Elliott, Gene Kear, Richard Martin, Verlin Schauer, Mark Shook and Lee Wolford. Local Government VP Jamie Johnston also attended Absent : None.

Approval of the Minutes was tabled until the August meeting.

Treasurers Report/Dave Elliott. Dave presented a written Report, which was shared and discussed with the board. Dave reported we have approximately $438,000.00 in several accounts.

Dave would like to move our regular checking and money market accounts to Farmers State Bank for a higher rate of interest and for convenience. Mark Shook made the motion to authorize the treasurer to transfer the checking account to Farmers State Bank and authorize the secretary to prepare and execute a corporate resolution to establish the new accounts. 2nd by Gene Kear. APPROVED 7-0.

Dave reported that a settlement favorable to the Association has been reached with the Turners. All parties have agreed to a LEIN against the Turners property granted to the association for all back dues, plus all future dues and interest at 18% A.P.R. (1.5% PER MONTH) to be payable upon the sale or transfer of the Turners property. Dave also reported the we still have several members past due on their association dues, including Topaz LLC, Dave Ritz, and Dale Nixon.

The issue of Dave Ritz treating the standing water in the sand pit on association property was discussed. Dave Ritz has asked if he could trade this service to pay his association dues. The board agreed that trades for service were a bad precedent to set . After discussion, Verlin Schauer made a motion to approve Dave Ritz treating the Pond in the sand pit, with standard payment to be made after he is a member in good standing. 2nd Mark Shook. Approved 7-0.

Richard Martin reported that the No Trespassing signs were done and he would pick them up and install some on the west side. New brushes have been installed on the sweeper. Richard wants to reserve the John Deere tractor for cutting around the lights.


Jim Sirhall addressed the board and gave a report on the current situation on land acquisition as well as the upcoming revision of the ALP and Master Plan for the Airport. Jim Stated that both the state and the FAA were working to provide all possible fallout money not used on other airports to be re directed to Meadow Lake Airport at the end of this fiscal year (FY 2004).

The Av Turf proposal tabled at the special meeting on July 6th was discussed. Mark Shook stated that he and other board members were looking at all possible alternative sights. Dave Elliott stated the crosswind runway appeared to be the sight that is least effected by the upcoming ALP revision.


Jamie Johnston questioned Mark Shook and Dave Elliot's reasons for "pushing" this proposal. The e-mail Dave Elliott forwarded to the board from Av-Turf outlining the offer contained a reference to an offer of distributorship for the product made by Pat Carr of Av Turf. Jamie stated that even the appearance of impropriety on the part of board members should be avoided. Dave outlined the conversation and explained that No conflict of interest existed on the part of Mark or Dave as this offer was a misunderstanding on the part of Pat Carr. Both Dave and Mark made it clear that Meadow Lake although private, is a 501 non-profit and could not fill this role, and members of the board as individuals could not be financially involved with the company for obvious reasons. Neither Mark Shook or Dave Elliott had or has any desire or intention to be financially involved with Av Turf. " ..Our only interest is pursuing a Runway improvement from Av Turf to benefit the Airports members and users..". No Conflict of Interest does or did exist.

A lengthy discussion of the merits of the product, and the possible safety issues involved were discussed. Jim Sirhall gave his opinion that we should not lengthen and make a major improvement to the old crosswind at this time. The new proposed crosswind runway was also discussed.

Jim was asked by the board to present this proposal to the FAA for their comments.

This item was again tabled for more information. A special meeting of the board will be held Friday July 16th.



El Paso County has a public meeting on July 20th regarding the new Santa Fe Springs development east of the Airport. Jamie Johnston will attend.


The meetig was Adjourned at 12:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted,


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Mark Shook/Secretary

Meadow Lake Airport Association Inc.




Board of Directors SPECIAL Meeting

Friday, July 16, 2004

President Jack Dhooghe called the Meeting to order at 1:45 pm. Present were Members, Dave Elliott, Jamie Johnston, Gene Kear, Richard Martin, Verlin Schauer, and Mark Shook. Special V.P. Jamie Johnston also attended.

Absent : None


This special meeting of the board was called to further discuss the 2000 x 30 ft Artificial Turf Runway the Airport has been offered.

Richard Martin asked that an equipment issue might be addressed first. Richard is concerned about using the airports equipment on private property by members. After discussion, a motion was made by Lee Wolford that All equipment be reserved exclusively for use on airport property and dedicated taxiway easements only. After discussion, this was amended to except the Blue Ford Tractor from this rule. It is proposed that this be added as Rule/Regulation #04-01. Motion PASSED 6-1. (Because it did not pass unanimously on the first reading, it must be voted on again at the next meeting and approved by majority vote on second reading to become a rule.)

The subject of Av-Turf providing a 2000 x 30 Artificial Turf runway valued at approximately $90,000.00 at NO CHARGE to the association was again discussed.

Several association members have expressed there strong support in favor of this proposal. Dave Bennett and Anthony Sweet (owner of Blue Sky Aviation) appeared and urged the Board to approve this proposal. Proponents stated the crosswind was a valuable asset for student training and necessary for safety. A lengthy discussion of the merits and use of the crosswind runway continued.

A vote to approve the Av-Turf Proposal was defeated .

Jack Dhooghe suggested that the crosswind runway was dangerous and should be closed or Notamed for Emergency Use Only. This idea was discussed and rejected by the majority. A compromise motion was made by Lee Wolford to NOTAM 26 for Full Stop Landing Only, Take off on 08 only. Use at Pilots Discretion. 2nd by Mark Shook Approved 5-2.

Dave Elliot will get a revised bid for the drainage tubes and grading of the crosswind just on airport property.


The meeting was Adjourned at 10:15 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

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Mark Shook/Secretary Meadow Lake Airport Association Inc.