meadow lake airport association inc.

"Colorado’s Largest Pilot Owned Airport"

www. MeadowLake



Board of Directors

Monday June 9, 2003

President Jack Dhooghe called the Meeting to order at 3:20pm. Present were Members, Dave Elliott, Jamie Johnston, Gene Kear, Richard Martin, Verlin Schauer, and Mark Shook. Absent : None.

Copies of the Minutes of the May meeting were provided to each Board member prior to the meeting. Mark Shook read the May minutes. Richard Martin made a motion that the Minutes be approved as presented. 2nd Verlin Schauer. Approved 7-0.

Treasurers Report/Dave Elliott. Dave presented a written Report, which was shared and discussed with the board. Dave reported that we have more than $85,000.00 in checking, savings and c.d.’s. Two bills are outstanding, Avery Asphalt for Paving Airport Property on the C Taxiway, and Jefferson County Airport for the Sweeper. There is currently over $7000.00 in uncollected dues. Those delinquent include Keen, Harris, and Turner. Mark Shook moved the treasurers report be approved as presented. The President suggested that the motion be tabled, and the motion was allowed to die for lack of a second.

Vehicles/Richard Martin. Richard reported that he had spoken with Wayne "Fox" Therault at the Colorado Springs Airport. Fox has some surplus runway lighting parts that they are willing to donate to us if we need them. Richard will call the engineer at Airport Development Group for assistance.


Gary Conover , Realtor and Owner of the 24 acres (Located East of Cessna Drive and North of the "E" Taxiway ) and Prospective Buyer Ron Scheer, (a Steel Building Contractor) addressed the board. Mr. Scheer gave a basic outline of his preliminary plan to develop that lot with 7, 12 unit hangar buildings (with 50’x40’ units), having the capacity of 168 or more aircraft. Gary Conover stated that annexation was not required as the land currently qualifies for membership and access to the Airport by a 1990 era agreement. This agreement may entitle the association to back Dues for the last 2 or 3 years, and 10% of the Sales price (Aprox. $25,000.00) for capital improvements. Gary will provide a copy of that agreement.

Jennie Bowhay-Sweet of Blue Sky Aviation appeared before the board to seek assistance in identifying and contacting the owners of property that adjoins Taxiway "E". Jennie would like to organize the owners to raise the money and pave the west portion of taxiway "E", at the package rate AVERY is offering to the Airport.

Verlin Schauer addressed the board alleging Dave Elliott had paved the "C" taxiway on private property without Board Authorization. Dave admitted he had authorized Nelson Moon of Avery Asphalt to go ahead with paving. Nelson called Dave on the morning they paved. He told Dave they had an opening in their schedule and wanted do the paving that day. Avery agreed to Honor the package price rate, for this much smaller job if they could do it now. (The package rate was based on the bid Avery gave for a larger scope of work requested when all the taxiways were bid earlier this year).

Dave stated he thought that he was authorized to do this, but admitted he made a procedural mistake and apologized to the board for the error. Mark Shook moved the board authorize the paving of Taxiway "C". 2nd by Jamie Johnston. A lengthy discussion followed. Board member Jamie Johnston presented copies of, and quoted from several of last years minutes, as well as MLA Regulation #02-03. The following facts were discussed.

Adequate funding did and does exist. Taxiway "C" is a 50 foot wide property, owned by the Airport Association, running east/west, with a 50 wide taxiway easement lying parallel (to the south). This easement is on property owned by several entities including 2 Condo associations and member Mark Shook. NONE of the paving Dave authorized is on this easement or Mark Shook’s property. MLA Regulation #02-03 gives this Taxiway first priority, because it is Airport Property.

("Priority for projects shall be, 1st All MLAA owned runways or taxiways, 2nd MLAA owned roadways, 3rd Privately owned Public Access easements which are platted as taxiways (listed below), 4th Privately owned Public access roadways listed below. Projects in a lower priority shall not be considered until all projects in the higher priority have been completed." MLAA RULES AND REGULATIONS #02-03.)

Verlin then charged that regardless of these facts, he felt that owners on the south side of the taxiway are getting a free ride.

It was brought to the boards attention that more than 80 hangars owned by over 25 different entities, (plus several residences) use or access from Taxiway "C" .

The membership vote in May rejected a special assessment for doing the taxiways all at once. Since those new proposals failed to pass, this prior rule is our controlling guideline.

Mark Shook suggested we ask the owners of all those properties (except the ones who donated the land), to voluntary donate the amount that was assessed them under the recent paving proposal. Mark then committed to pay that assessment for the property he personally owns.

After discussion it was then called for a vote on the motion. The Paving of Taxiway "C" was APPROVED. 5 IN FAVOR, 1 OPPOSED, 1 ABSTAINED.

Gene Kear reported an incident with a rental tenant driving his automobile at a high rate of speed on the main taxiway. He said he just wanted to " blow it out". He was told that his conduct was a prohibited safety violation, and that the Sheriff would be called if it happened again.

Mark Shook moved that we now approve the Treasurers Report as presented. 2nd by Gene Kear, Approved 7-0. Dave will contact Avery and then present a revised bid (including patching and repairs) to the board before contracting for Cessna Drive to be seal coated.

Gene Kear moved the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was Adjourned at 6:11 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


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Mark Shook/Secretary

Meadow Lake Airport Association Inc.

























On the web at: www.MeadowLake