1. UNIFORM SIGN PROGRAM ............................. (Adopted May 5, 1992) The Architectural Control Committee of the Meadow Lake Airport Association shall be responsible for reviewing all requests for signage on Meadow Lake Airport and in all Meadow Lake Airport subdivisions which are unified and Commonly zoned R-4, OAG (Airport General Aviation)

1. The Committee Chairman shall issue a letter of approval to any member of the Airport Association whose signage request meets the following criteria. All signs shall:

a. Have a white background color,

b. Free standing (pole) signs must be internally illuminated and must utilize a photoelectric cell or timer which provides that the sign be internally illuminated during hours of darkness.

c. Have a metal frame and translucent plastic sign surface.

d. Be rectangular or square in shape,


e. If located on a building, shall be in the upper 1/3 of the building surface and shall not protrude higher than the highest point of the building.

f. Lettering style should be mixed case letters and numerals of any type and style commonly used by airport, aircraft, or fuel dispensing establishments.

g. Free standing (pole) signs shall not exceed 24' in height.

h. Free standing (pole) signs shall not exceed 64 square feet per side, and may not be greater than l0 feet wide or l0 feet high. Free standing (pole) signs may be double faced.

i. Signs may be placed on airport lots only in the buildable area. No sign or any supporting member of a sign shall protrude, overhang, extend into, or infringe on any taxiway, roadway, or ingress/egress easement as recorded in the records of the clerk and recorder of El Paso County.

j. Letter colors on sign may be red, blue, black, or any combination thereof. Loges of aviation products carried, "Cessna, Piper, etc. and/or any fuel brand sold "Phillips," "Exxon," etc. may be utilized,

k. Supporting structure must meet or exceed the specifications for other signs as may be adopted by the County of El Paso.




l. Except as required by the FAA for obstacles, no sign may rotate, flash, or cause any annoying or unusual light to be emitted so as to cause a hazard or distraction to air traffic.

m. Power may not be supplied to the sign by use of overhead wires. All power must be supplied underground using UL approved materials and meet or exceed all El Paso county and Colorado state electrical installation requirements.

n. All signs must have an aviation theme and should advertise a product or service pertinent to general aviation.

2. An FAA Form 7460 must be submitted and approved by the FAA prior to consideration by the Architectural Control Committee.

    1. No sign, pole, or any supporting structure shall penetrate the FAA Part 77 surface at Meadow Lake Airport.




(Effective July 15, 1999)

A motion to create or amend a RULE OR REGULATION may be made by any member of the Board of Directors recognized by the meeting chairman for that purpose, and should be done in writing, with copies of the wording to be considered given to each board member. After discussion, the board by majority vote, may refer the proposed amendment to the Bylaw Committee for wording change or legal research, or may pass the amendment as worded on first reading with 100% of the full board voting in favor.

If less than 100%, but greater than 50% of the full Board of Directors vote in favor, the proposed amendment is tabled to the next consecutive regular or special meeting of the board called in compliance with the bylaws where it is read and discussed during Old Business.

If the amendment is passed on this second reading by a majority of the full board (at least 4 members in favor) it becomes a RULE AND REGULATION when mailed to the membership as required by the Bylaws




In the interest of Airport Safety, except when responding to an aircraft in distress or in case of an emergency, all motor vehicles, bicycles, and equestrians, are prohibited from trespassing on any portion of the Main Runway (15-33) or Main Taxiway ("A") or the improved portion of the crosswind runway (8-26), unless they are performing an official or sanctioned function, authorized by the Board of Directors of the Association. Vehicles owned by the Airport Association and Board approved fuel vendors are exempt from this regulation.


