Resolution (5-26-2004-1)


The Board of Directors of the Meadow Lake Airport Association does hereby Resolve:

To Create the position of Vice President for Local Government Affairs.

The association member appointed will serve a 3 year term commencing with this resolution and ending at the annual meeting of the Meadow Lake Airport Association in May, 2007. Selection shall require 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors

This is a non paid volunteer appointment, with compensation limited to the reimbursement of authorized expenses incurred in carrying out the requirements of the position.

The Vice President (LGA) will be charged with making and keeping contact and communication with El Paso County Planning, and other Local Government agencies that the Airport may need to co ordinate with.

The Vice President shall report to and take direction from the President and the MLAA Board of Directors.



Be it resolved this 26th day of May, 2004.





Mark S. Shook/ Secretary